Q. What is a polygon Blockchain?

A: Polygon Blockchain, also known as the Polygon Network, is a layer 2 scaling solution built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. Using sidechains, it aims to enhance scalability and reduce transaction costs for decentralized applications (dApps).

Q. What is an NFT?

A: NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. It is a unique digital asset that uses blockchain technology to represent ownership or proof of authenticity of a specific item or piece of content, such as artwork, music, videos, or virtual real estate.

Q. What kind of a game is Billions Quest?

A: Billions Quest is a fantasy game based on listed stocks across the globe. Like sports fantasy games, where players make a “team” of players and compete with each other, in this game, participants make a portfolio of listed stocks. Their portfolio performs in line with how the scripts in their portfolio perform in the real world. Players will pay an entry fee for each battle in terms of our native token $PLAY, and the winning will also be distributed in the same token.

Q. What is the difference between fantasy sports and fantasy stock games?

A: Fantasy sports involve creating virtual teams of real-life athletes and earning points based on their performance in real games. In contrast, fantasy stock games involve virtual stocks and earning points based on the performance of those stocks in the real stock market.

Q. Is prior stock trading experience necessary to play the game?

A: Prior stock trading experience is not necessary to play the game. The Billions Quest is designed to cater to both seasoned stock traders and those new to the world of stocks, providing an accessible and engaging experience for all players.

Q: What does a trustless game mean? Why is Billions a trustless game?

A: In the context of games, a trustless game is one where critical decisions around the fairness of rewards distribution cannot be altered or manipulated by a centralized body. For example, in Web2 real money games, there is no way for users to authenticate the eligibility of the winner of a context, and one must “trust” the centralized body (the game admin) to be fair in the rewards distribution. In a trustless ecosystem, the distribution of rewards and authenticity of the users are controlled by smart contracts, which cannot be altered even by the game admin. This is why it is called a “trustless” ecosystem where one doesn’t need to trust any centralized body for a fair rewards distribution. BillionsQuest is built on Web3, and the participants enter the contest (battle) by creating a portfolio of NFTs. Since each transaction is recorded on-chain, the audit trail of all winners is entirely transparent and auditable, and the rewards distribution happens in an automated fashion using Web3 primitives making it completely trustless, transparent, and fair.

Q: How is trust and transparency ensured in the ecosystem?

A: Smart contracts use third-party APIs (Twelve Data) to determine the daily open and closing prices of each stock on its respective exchange to determine the “health” of the NFTs. Positive growth in a stock price increases the health and negative growth reduces the health. The winner of each battle is determined by the “health” of their portfolio, which determines the contest outcomes. In addition, for each battle, there is a leaderboard that displays the portfolio of the winner of the contest and their wallet address, ensuring transparency in the rewards distribution

Q: Can game developers manipulate contest outcomes?

A: No, smart contracts prevent game developers from controlling or altering the outcome of contests, increasing fairness and transparency. The smart contracts are public and open to audit and review. Further, the smart contracts have been audited and certified by smart contract auditors to ensure no bugs or room for manipulation.

Q: Where does BillionsQuest source its price feed from?

A: Twelve Data

Q: What is the commission (take rate) for battles with BillionsQuest?

A: The take rate for battles with BillionsQuest is 5%. For example: If 100 players participate with $10 each, the prize pool is $000. Out of this, 95%, i.e., $950, is distributed back to the contest winners based on their ranking in the battle.

Q: How do I get paid when I win?

A: Winners receive their winnings in the form of Stablecoins. Every day the results of the previous day’s battles are announced on the leaderboard. The rewards are immediately credited to the winners’ wallets and recorded on the blockchain.

Q. Can I participate in an ongoing battle?

A: No, typically, you cannot participate in an ongoing round in BillionsQuest. The ability to place bets is usually available before the round begins and is closed once the battle starts. This ensures a fair and consistent playing field for all participants.

Q: Can I cancel or edit my portfolio of an ongoing battle?

A: No, canceling an ongoing battle in BillionsQuest is impossible. Once you have entered a battle, it progresses until completion, and participants cannot cancel or withdraw from the battle. It is important to carefully consider your portfolio selection before entering a battle.

Q: I do not have a crypto wallet. How do I use BillionsQuest?

A: In order to use BillionsQuest, you will need to have a crypto wallet like metamask. Crypto wallets allow you to store and manage your cryptocurrencies securely.

Q: Can I create a contest?

A: At the moment, the ability to create contests on BillionsQuest is not available. The platform currently offers pre-defined daily battles where players can participate and compete. However, once the game goes live, a feature will allow players to create their own battles and invite their friends to participate and earn part of the commission in the game. Q: What are Scalars in BillionsQuest?

A: Scalars are in-game boosters that enhance a player's portfolio performance. Adding a booster to your portfolio multiplies the portfolio’s health by the value of the booster you have added. For example, if the health of your portfolio for a battle was 1000 and you had added a 2x booster, then the health of your portfolio becomes (1000*2x) = 2000. Efficient use of boosters can significantly increase your chances of winning a battle. You can have negative and positive boosters, so you can strategically use them depending on whether you are playing the health or blood battles. Boosters can be purchased for $1. The boosters that you would receive is based on the spinning of the wheel, and their value range from (2x to 10x) or negative boosters which range from (-2x to -10x)

Once a booster has been used in a battle, it gets consumed and cannot be reused. You can always spin the wheel again and add them to your profile for usage for the next battle.

Q: How can I stay updated on game updates?

A: Stay connected with BillionsQuest by following us on various social channels, including Discord, Telegram, Twitter, and Medium. This way, you won't miss any important updates.

Q: What is BillionsQuest?

A: BillionsQuest is a fantasy game built on Polygon that allows players to create a portfolio of companies represented by unique NFTs. The objective of the game is to create a portfolio of 3 stocks and compete with other players in a fantasy league format. The winners are ranked, and rewards in terms of cryptocurrency are given based on the ranking of each player.

Q: How do I play the game?

A: To play the game, you need to first sign up using your social login or wallet. Then you must add three scripts (companies), each represented as an NFT, to enter each battle. While we recommend buying the NFTs and adding to your digital assets, you can always borrow the NFTs from other owners. Both options are available when you want to enter the game.

Q: What is a battle? How does it work?

A: A battle is just our cool name for a “contest.” There are two types of battles: Health and Blood Battles. In a Health Battle, the portfolio with the best improvement in health wins, while in a Blood Battle, the portfolio with the most decline in health wins. The NFT's health is determined by the opening and closing prices of the listed stock on the battle day.

Q: How is the Health of a portfolio calculated? A: The health of a portfolio is simply the percentage change between the closing and opening price of the stock on the day of the battle. For example, if Script A opened on its index at 100 and closed the day at 120, then the health of that script is 20%. The health of the portfolio is simply an addition of all 3 scripts in the portfolio. Example: If you have a portfolio of 3 scripts - Apple, Google, and Nike. Let's say on the day of the battle, Apple’s health was 2%, Google was -1%, and Nike was 3%, then the health of the portfolio would be 4%

Q: How are rewards calculated in BillionsQuest?

A: The rewards for each battle completely depend on the prized pool, which depends on the number of participants. The greater the number of participants, the higher is the prize pool. game uses a special formula to decide how much you win based on your ranking. The higher your rank, the more you win. Both entry and rewards are in the form of Stablecoins

Q: How do I join a battle?

A: To join a battle, you need to 1) Sign in with your social login or wallet. 2) Ensure you have $10 in your wallet to enter the battle 3) Join a battle by buying or borrowing 3 NFTs from other owners to create your portfolio At the end of each day, the results of the previous day’s battles are announced on the leaderboard, and the winners are directly paid out in Stablecoins in their wallets.

Q: Can I borrow NFTs to participate in battles?

A: If you don't want to buy an NFT, you can rent it from an owner to use it to participate in a battle. The NFT owner determines the rental price, and one can see the listed options on the website under the “Rent an NFT” option

Q: How can I rent out an NFT as an owner?

A: Yes! That is one of the most lucrative reasons to buy the NFTs, as they can be used as in-game assets to earn a yield by allowing other players to borrow it for a price. NFTs available for rent are listed on the ingame NFT Marketplace. As an NFT owner, you can set the price for renting. The pricing strategy is up to the owner, considering market demand and the popularity of the NFT. As an NFT owner, you can make all your assets available for renting out and set your own price.

Q: How are the rewards distributed in BillionsQuest?

A: Rewards for each battle depend on the number of participants, distributed by an exponential reward distribution curve where the highest rank gets rewarded more than the next

Q: How many scripts are required to participate in each battle?

A: Each portfolio should contain 3 scripts(NFTs) to participate in each battle daily.

Q: How can users acquire an NFT for the battle?

A: Users can purchase the NFT or borrow from the owner for a battle for a price.

Q: What currency is used to pay the entry fee for battles?

A: To join a 'battle,' players must pay an entry fee $10

Q: When are the winners and their winnings announced?

A: Winners of each battle, along with their ranking and corresponding winnings, will be announced on the BillionsQuest website at a fixed time each day (20:00 hours Greenwich Mean Time).

Q: How can I participate in the game?

A: To participate, you need to pay an entry fee of 10

Q: How will the NFTs be sold?

A: The NFTs will be sold through an Auction starting at $10 in stablecoin (USDT), making it easy for players to purchase them using a widely accepted and stable currency. Via our discord channel, users are notified about the starting and ending times of the auctions and which NFTs will be available for purchase. You can also buy them in the secondary market if the owner wishes to list them on NFT marketplaces.

Q: What do I receive when I purchase an NFT?

A: Stock NFTs will be sold in a Pack of 3. Each Pack will be exchange-specific,3 Stock NFTs from that exchange will be randomly minted on the chain and transferred to the buyer

Last updated